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The latest concern of Law Technology Media focuses on an exciting new initiative by the American Bar Association (ABA). The task is designed to offer consumers usage of affordable legal products, while also giving lawyers the tools to make small-firm tactics. The issue explores the function technology plays in this changing dynamic. ALM’s editor-in-chief, Monica Bay, provides some insight on the job and other related topics. To learn more about LTN, look at entire content.

The ABA’s Law Technology News, a prestigious sector publication, lately called John Alber the initially recipient of it is inaugural Lifetime Achievement Honor. While business legal departments are spending millions of dollars in technology, they’re not utilizing it as much as that were there hoped. This fact has got skepticism regarding the transformative nature of those tools. Alber received the www.lawofficetechnologysolutions.com/law-office-technology-news-links honor from Legislations Technology News editor in chief Monica Bay. Despite her accomplishment, she is not discouraged by the challenges forward.

While AI continues to convert the legal industry, many businesses continue to give attention to the benefits of automation and unnatural intelligence. For instance , merely this month, AI-powered contract program Common Standard paper secured $4. 5 mil in seed funding. Regarding to Crunchbase News, the legal technology sector received $1 billion in venture capital funding in 2018.